About Visegrad Fund

The Fund is an international donor organization, established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries — Czech republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to promote regional cooperation in the Visegrad region as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions.

The Fund does so by awarding €8 million through grants, scholarships and artist residencies provided annually by equal contributions of all the V4 countries. Other donor countries (Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States) have provided another €10 million through various grant schemes run by the Fund since 2012.

Source: www.visegradfund.org

Information about project and its grant support

Project title: Internet of things brainstorm workshop

Focus area: Education and Capacity Building, Improved hard/soft skills for a better access to labor market; lifelong learning and internship programs

Implementation period: 21. 09. 2021 – 20. 12. 2022

Expected grant budget: 9.607 EUR

Contacts to project coordinator and associated schools

Coordinator: Secondary vocational engineering school, Trenčín
Address: Pod Sokolicami 14, Trenčín, 91101, Slovakia
Statutory representative: Ing. Ľuboš Chochlík
ID No. of organization: 17053668
Phone: +421327432730
E-mail: miriam.kral34@gmail.com, sostn@sostn.sk
URL: http://www.sostn.sk/
Coordinator of the project: Ing. Ľuboš Chochlík, director of school
Coordinator's e-mail: sostn@sostn.sk
Coordinator's phone: +421911549807
Project web page: sostn.info/visegrad

Partner No. 1: Mesit Secondary School, o.p.s., Družstevní 810, Uherské Hradište, Czech Republic, frantisek.mikulasek@mesit.cz, www.skolamesit.cz

Partner No. 2: ZSME, Szujskiego 13, Tarnów, 33-100, Poland, sekretzsme@umt.tarnow.pl, www.zsme.tarnow.pl

Partner No. 3: State educational institution - Uzhgorod Center for professional-technical Education, Ukraine, uzghorodpml@ukr.net, www.dnzucpto.com.ua

Partner No. 4: Békéscsabai SZC Nemes Tihamér Technikum és Kollégium, Kazinczy utca 7, Békéscsaba, 5600, Hungary, nemes@bszc.hu, www.nemesgszi.hu

Partner No. 5 (coordinator): Secondary vocational engineering school, Pod Sokolicami 14, 911 01 Trenčín, Slovakia, sostn@sostn.sk, sostn.sk

Description of the main project objective

The goal of project: The project focuses on cooperation in international mixed groups and a joint solution of technical assignments in the area of The Internet of things (IoT).

IoT is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday objects. It is a four days workshop of solving daily technical tasks in team cooperation, as a side event of Trenčín robotic day.

The aim of the project is to contribute to students´ professional outlook, reduce xenophobia based on young people's personal experience, support their social and language skills .

The Secondary Technical School in Trenčín has been organizing TRD (Trenčín Robotic Day) for 14 years, where teams from primary and secondary schools compete on the field of robotics. We want to add another dimension to this action, and that would be, above all, cooperation that would prevail over rivalry.

Time table of meetings and daily programs

Final ceremony (evaluation, prizes, certificates)

Arrivals of teams, accomodation

9.00 - opening ceremony, creation of international teams
9.30 - starting work on tasks at international groups
11.00 - bagetta and coffee break
13.00 - lunch at school canteen
15.00 - cultural program - visit Trencin castle

9.00 - work on tasks continues
10.00 - bagetta and coffee break
11.00 - project introducing at Trencin robot day contest
13.00 - lunch at school canteen
14.00 - sport program - driving electrical car at Autodrome in Trencin
17.00 - common dinner

9.00 - work on tasks continues
12.00 - presenting project results, final ceremony (evaluation, prizes, certificates)
13.00 - lunch at school canteen
14.00 - project finish

Outputs - project results

Presentation for the workshop is here: Presentation

Code in C language for IoT tower (zip) is here: Code Please, download and unzip directory.

Code in Xamarin C# for mobile application to get data from towers is here: Code (solution) Please, download and unzip solution.

Installation apk file for mobile app is here: v4.apk Please, download file to your phone and install application. Full link to file is sostn.sk/visegrad/v4.apk

Playground json for displaying data by radio, which you can import to playground is here: json file

Emails with passwords for each school to access Sigfox backend (backend.sigfox.com) is here: txt file

IDs of Sigfox modules used by each team (country) is here: txt file

In case a problem with USB dongle - here is binary code do upload firmware: Binary code for USB dongle

In case of any question, please, send an email to vladimir.bobot@bbob.sk

We wanted to do 3 tasks:

We did 1st tasks:

We did 2nd task:

We did 3rd task: